Sunday, December 19, 2010


What is EAAT? Simply put it's an Multi-Level Marketing (MLM)Feeder Program which allows you to earn from multiple programs online all in one convenient place.

Some folks refer to it as a feeder program while others call it a feeder business, but don't be confused as both mean the same thing.

Exactly what are mlm feeder programs?

Great question.

The best way to explain it is to think of an "entry level" position at any place of employment. Everyone needs to learn "how to do things" before they can move up the ladder to a higher paying job.

The purpose of an MLM Feeder Program is to help an individual with very little money get started earning online at a very affordable price and without losing them to another distributor, business or organization.

I've seen various mlm feeder businesses but the one that has the greatest success at this time is EAAT.


Everyone is using EAAT as an MLM Backdoor System or a MLM Feeder Business. And both ways are resulting in them earning income in the CORE businesses; GlobalNPN and Trafficwave, while earning residual income from the other advertising resources they already use on a daily basis. Plus the CORE programs have everything every successful online earner needs to run a profitable online business.

The best part is members only need to use a single url to promote these programs that are earning them a ton of money month after month due to the simple duplicity of EAAT.

The FREE training provided will put you on the path to properity! So you can continue to sit on the sidelines and earn nothing like you're doing now or you can join the top earners at EAAT and start earning with the rest of us.


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